Sledujte mě Celkem zobrazení: 25073 (Tento měsíc: 77) Vytvořen 08-11-2016 (Upraven: 05-07-2023)


This dedicate and exclusive Escort Model will ensnare you with her perfect figure and sensual charms.
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Výška170 cm (5'7" ft)
Váha48 kg (105.82 lb)
Jazyk: Angličtina  English English English
  Thajská Thai Thai Thai Thai Thai
K ní   
Sexuální orientace: Bisexuální 
Schází se s: Dostupné pro muže  Dostupné pro muže   

O mně

Her extraordinary charisma is breathtaking. Nikki is surrounded by a mysterious grace and elegant aura, which is magically coupled with intellect and esprit. This dedicate and exclusive Escort Model will ensnare you with her perfect figure and sensual charms.

Nikki embodies the perfect lover. This charming escort model is undoubtedly a woman to show off or boast with. She skillfully moves on each social stage and convinces with style, charm and intelligent humour. 

This fascinating VIP escort model happily invites you to experience the Thailand capital in a whole new experience. She enjoys spending time with you on a city trip and offers you a VIP escort service. 


Kontaktní info
Domovská země:Thajsko 
Domovské město:Bangkok 
E-mail:Kontaktujte mě 
Soukromá zpráva:Odeslat SZ 

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