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ID: 28960 Nice nice Time volos Fecha: 28-06-2022


Glikia europea me orexi gia erwtika paixnidia me megalo fisiko stithos gemati ximous se perimeno na zisiume Mazi 1001 vixtes Ela na kanoume Mazi Käthe krifi sou epithimia pragmatikotita xwris viasini na xefigoume apo Tin kathimerinotita Ela na apolauseis Mazi mou omorfes xalarotikes stigmes gemätes entasi Kai Pathos se ENA taxidi Pou tha Thes na to xanakanis xana Kai xana sweet Europe Girl wait you to make you live whith her 1001 nights füll of Passion come and WE make your Dreams reale come in one travel whith me taste myand you Like to make again and again i wait you

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