Liczba wyświetleń: 13863 (W tym miesiącu: 98)
Utworzony 18-11-2023 (Zmodyfikowano: 18-05-2024)
View Kristina reviews
Royal Hum
Data spotkania | Czas trwania | Miasto | Wygląd | Usługi | Komunikacja |
26-01-2024 |
90 |
Ankara |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
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Z językiem Bez prezerwatywy Tak, wypluwa to Brutalny Nie Silikonowe cycki Dozwolone wiele razy Prawdziwe zdjęcie
There are some people who attract you like a magnet the first time you meet them. You feel a closeness and warmth as if you've known each other for years. I can't say that I feel such closeness to all beautiful girls for only because they are so beautiful! Just as I can’t be able feel to all well dressed, smart, sexy, honest, sincere girls for only because they’re so well dressed, clever, sexy, honest and sincere. In my opinion, all of these characteristics must be blended in harmony by that person. So, what I mean is, the inside should reflect outside and the outside should reflect inside! You may ask “Have you ever met such a girl until today?” Yes, I haven’t never met such a girl until today. But today I have met a more beautiful girl from that : Kristina of Slavic version of the Greek sexual love and beauty goddess Aphrodite.