Подписаться Просмотров: 11882 (Этот месяц: 106) Создана 15-10-2020 (Редакт.: 16-04-2021)


РасаЕвропейская (белая)
Рост169 cm (5'7" ft)
Вес54 kg (119.05 lb)
Цвет волосБрюнетка
Цвет глазГолубой
Тип грудиНатуральная
КурениеЯ не курю
Язык: Английский  English English English English
Инкол    Инкол: Номер в отеле
Ауткол    Ауткол: Отель или апартаменты
Секс. ориентация: Гетеро 
Встреча с: Мужчиной  Мужчиной   

Обо мне

Latana is the big boobs sexy girl that you could never get in high school. She is a perfect sex companion and that was probably the reason that you never asked her out back then. There is no way that any man deserves her time and there is no way that any man will have the guts to walk up and ask. The best thing is that there is no way that you can fail this time. Just give us a call and she will be there. There is no need for a pickup line and there is no need to beg because Latana is just one phone call or one click away. Latana is the perfect independent tall beauty. There is no way that a man can ever hope to handle this girl. Well, most men will hope beyond hope that they get some time with her, and they can just keep hoping because she is yours. One call and this hot drink of tea will be next to you for the night. It is simple and anyone can make this happen. Just take a look and know that she can be yours and there is no stopping that from happening.

Я могу путешествовать в
США Восточная Европа
Канада Австралия
Карибы Азия
Латинская Америка Африка
Скандинавия Средний Восток
Западная Европа   
Тел.:+79663165335 (Никаких скрытых номеров, СМС и звонки) 
Инструкция:СМС и звонки 
Эл. почта:Написать 
Приват. сообщение:Отправить личку 

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