Mom's Evening Part 2


Topic: These are excerpts from a longer story I'm writing. Enjoy. I had worked on my paper for a couple of hours and talked to Karin who could barely talk of her cold. Cary called about 8:30pm and I picked him up and we went and hung out with a of our  friends. He had to be home by midnight. His Dad was a CHP officer and pretty strict even      though he was 18. I dropped him off just before midnight. It was about 12:15am when I pulled the garage at home. I knew Mom was home because there were lights on in the living room. When I  walked into the dark kitchen from the garage I could here soft music playing in the living room. I        peeked around the corner of the door. Holy shit Mom was in the center of the room swaying and      moving in time to the music.  The frilly red bra and panties she was wearing didn't cover much and the   black thigh highs and 5 inch white stilletto's made her look sexy as hell as she moved in time to the      music. There was a black man seated in a kitchen chair in the center of the room.
"So Ben, do I look as good as I used to when I danced at your club in college?" Mom asked. Her       hands rubbed her thighs before moving up to caress her cunt through her frilly panties.

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   Her hands       moved on moving sensuously over her bare stomach to her breasts squeeziing and cupping slowly before tweaking her thick nipples through the frilly bra. Her hands moved sexily into her thrusting her breasts out. The whole time her body never stopped moving in time to the music writhing     like a snake. "Well Ben?" Mom said asking again. She was swaying and moving right in front of him.
"Damn Mary Jane you look better than ever. You're sexier, more mature," Ben answered his hands reaching out for Mom.
"No Ben, you know the rules. No touching," Mom said giggling as she moved away. "I guess we're      going to have to use these after all Ben. " Mom moved over to the coffee table and picked up 2 of handcuffs before moving behind the chair. She took his wrists and cuffed them to the cross of the chair crossing them so he couldn't slide his hands to one side or the other. "There Ben now your hands will stay out of trouble," Mom grinned standing in front of him writhing as she danced to the        music. She moved up straddling the chair and his groin squatting as she ground her panty covered       crotch against his groin dry fucking him. "Mmmmmmm your big cock is hard Ben.


  " My own cock   throbbed in my shorts while I watched Moms lascivious display.
"Oh fuck Mary Jane, stop, pleeeeeeeaaase stop, you're gonna, make me cum," Ben gasped just as      Mom ground hard against his crotch and then stood up and backed away. "Damn you," Ben hissed   through clenched teeth fighting the orgasm. "Shit I have a wet spot on my slacks. "
"Poor Baby," Mom laughed. "You need a break and a drink to calm down Ben. You still drink vodka      on the rocks Ben?" Mom asked still laughing.
"Yes, damn it. Cielia is gonna kill me," Ben growled while Mom started for the dark kitchen where I       was. Shit I was busted for sure. I scrambled out onto the porch.
"Scottie, Honey I know you're here. I heard the car," Mom whispered turning on the kitchen light.       "Come on Baby where are you?"
"On the service porch Mom," I finally whispered. What the hell there was no use hiding from her she knew I was here.


   I heard the stiletto heels moving across the floor. "Damn Mom you are so I exclaimed almost forgetting to whisper as she came toward me in the dim light.
"Enjoying the show Honey?" Mom asked pressing herself up against me and then answering her own question. "I guess you are Baby. That big Dick of yours is hard. " I spun her around so her back to me and ran my hand down into her frilly panties. "Mmmmmmm yea Honey," Mom gasped jerking  against my finger when I found her clit before hooking a finger into her wet cunt. "Please Baby, wait a      little bit. It'll be better, I promise," Mom whispered breathing hard jerking against my finger.
"Christ Mom, I'm so hard now I'm ready to cum," I gasped trying to keep my voice low while I       pulled my hand out of Moms panties. "Are you going to fuck him Mom?" I asked keeping my voice       low.
"Yes, but not until after I've fucked you in front of him. You're going to be my young boy friend       Mickey and you can't call me Mom. Can you remember to call me Mary Jane or Honey, anything      except Mom. Can you remember that? Oh my you are hard," Mom said kneeling and pulling my         shorts down. 

   My cock was in her mouth and I was already dripping precum. "Mmmmmmmm," Mom hummed softly.
"Shit Mom, I'm gonna cum," I hissed through clenched teeth while my cock throbbed and my balls        went out the end of my cock. "Damn Mom you got such a hot mouth," I whispered when she finally stopped sucking my cock and stood up.
"There that ought to hold you for awhile. I love the taste of hot cream," Mom said licking her lips. "Remember what I told you Baby and when you fuck me do it slow make me beg for it. We'll do it    doggie and when you cum make sure you're as deep as you can get in my cunt. Go flush the Baby, I better get back," Mom said while I went and flushed the toilet off the service porch. was pouring vodka over ice when I returned. She took a slug out of hers and grinned at me before     turning out the light and returning to the living room.
"Damn it Mary Jane where have you been? It took you long enough to make the drinks," growled when Mom returned holding the 2 glasses.
"Her have a sip of this," Mom said holding the glass of vodka up to Ben's lips. "Have you down now Ben?" Mom asked grinning. "Sorry I took so long.


   I needed to go potty. "
"Yea, I guess," Ben responded. "Give me another swallow. " Mom held the glass up and drained half of it. "Look at that damn big spot on my slacks," He grumbled while Mom giggled.
"Maybe we should take them off so you don't have anymore accidents," Mom said still she set the glasses on the table. Mom got his belt loose and unbuttoned the waist band before        unzipping Bens slacks. I had moved out the other door and was in a position where I could see    everything. Mom pulled his slacks and boxer shorts off and tossed them on the couch. Shit the guy      wasn't circumsized and his cock was bigger than mine even though it was only half we better unbutton your shirt too," Mom said sitting on Ben's lap grinding her panty covered crotch     against his bare cock while she unbuttoned his shirt. "There isn't that better Ben. "
"Mary Jane, please honey, oh damn you," Ben gasped. His cock was fully hard and dripping precum    when Mom stood up straddling the chair.
"More vodka Ben?" Mom asked reaching over and picking up his glass. Ben drained it while Mom        held it to his lips.

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   "That's good Baby, you'll stay hard for hours now," Mom giggled reaching and stroking his hard cock. "You'd fuck just about anything now wouldn't you Ben?" Mom still giggling as she jogged her hand up and down his long cock.
"Yes, yes, Mary Jane, pleeeeeeeaase, uuuuuuuuhhhhh fuck, here it cuuuuuuums," Ben cried his ass off the chair just as Mom let go of his cock. "No, no, pleeeeeeeaase Baby finish it," Ben        pleaded with Mom as a little cream dribbled out the end of his cock dripping onto the floor.
"Now, now, what would Cielia say if she saw you like this? Poor thing wouldn't know what do would she Ben? Maybe I should call her and tell her where you are," Mom laughed over and putting another CD in the player. The poor guy was in misery and Mom wasn't "Did you use her at the club to make money like you did the rest of us Ben, turning us into whores. "
"No, no, she's never worked at the club. She's never even been there. She's a bookkeeper, an     accountant. She has a job at a large company," Ben cried out as Mom moved over behind chair and leaned down running her hands down his bare chest.
"I know Ben. You met her in Mexico five years ago. She works for the same company I do. fact she works for me. I saw your picture on her desk.


   How do you think I found you? Cielia me where you'd be tonight," Mom said laughing. "Oh and by the way, you remember those you used to give the guys with big bank rolls at the club so they'd stay hard and fuck us all night long.         You remember that Ben?" Mom laughed stroking his cock again. "Well I put one in your vodka. "
"Oh shit, don't do this to me Mary Jane. You were always my favorite girl. I even wanted to marry        you. You know it's true cause I asked you. Oh God you're going to ruin my marriage. Please Mary       Jane, I've got a 3 year old son," Ben was begging almost in tears. "I love her, she's so naive. "
"Nonsense Ben, nobody is going to ruin your marriage and she's not as naive as you think. Cielia is    bisexual Ben, she likes women too. I think you need another drink," Mom said letting go of cock and moving to the kitchen to fix the drink. This was like a soap opera and I wondered what             the hell was going on.

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   I rushed back to the kitchen to question Mom.

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